This document defines terms relating to rock drill rigs and rock reinforcement rigs, including their intended use, working methods, types, and main components.
It also provides (see Annex A) several classifications of rock drill rigs, based on intended use, mobility and type of operation.
The primary use of this document is in instruction handbooks for rock drill rigs and in marketing material. Safety related terminology is used in ISO 18758‑2.
This document is not applicable to drill rigs for soil and rock mixture.
NOTE Documents covering vocabulary of related subjects are found in the bibliography.
Prochaine édition en cours d'élaboration

ISO/DIS 18758
ISO/DIS 18758
Engins d'exploitation minière et de terrassement — Machines de forage pour roches et de renfort de roches — Exigences de sécurité
Partie 1: Vocabulaire
Cycle de vie
PubliéeISO 18758-1:2018
Les normes ISO sont réexaminées tous les cinq ans
Stade: 90.92 (Sera révisée) -
Sera remplacée par
ProjetISO/DIS 18758