Norme internationale
ISO/DIS 14064-5
Greenhouse gases — Part 5: Guidance on activities and techniques used remotely in conducting verification and validation of greenhouse gas statements
Numéro de référence
ISO/DIS 14064-5
Edition 1
Projet Norme internationale
ISO/DIS 14064-5
Projet de Norme internationale au stade enquête auprès des membres de l’ISO.


This document provides guidance for conducting verification and validation of greenhouse gas statements (claims) using of remote methods. It is applicable to all organizations and products that need to plan and conduct internal or external verification/validation (i.e. 1st, 2nd , 3rd party) of greenhouse gas statements. This document additionally provides competence for verifier/validator in the use of remote method. This document is intended to strengthen reliability in verifying or validating greenhouse gas statements using remote methods among clients, intended users, responsible parties, regulators, accreditation bodies, verification and validation bodies, scheme owners, industry, employees, manufacturer, consumers and other interested parties. The use of remote methods in carrying out verification and validation of greenhouse gas statements is not intended to replace general onsite verification or validation as the default method. This document is applicable whether a verification or validation process uses remote methods only or combination methods of remote and onsite. This document is applied to any greenhouse gas programme (see definition 3.19., a draft attached). This document provides guidance in addition to the requirements in of ISO 14065, ISO 14066 and ISO 14064-3.

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