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2023 in review

Straightforward technical solutions for complex human problems.

2023 was “business as usual” – offering solutions to the planet’s most pressing challenges, delivering an ambitious ten-year strategy, and bringing every one of our members on that journey.

Find out how we achieved that as we look at the highlights of a year that focused on collaboration, community and climate action.

Наши ключевые показатели в цифрах.

Предыдущие отчеты

Straightforward technical solutions for complex human problems – offering solutions to the planet’s most pressing challenges, delivering an ambitious ten-year strategy, and bringing every one of our members on that journey.
Whilst the COVID-19 pandemic continued to disrupt lives and businesses around the world, we built on the lessons we learned in 2020 and turned our attention to pressing global problems of climate and sustainability.
2020 was a year that saw us finalize the strategy that will guide us to the end of the next decade. At the same time, we adapted to unexpected challenges and are continuing to shape our organization to a fast-changing world.