Фильтр :
Стандарт и/или проект находящийся в компетенции ISO/TC 39/SC 2 Секретариата | Этап | ICS |
Acceptance code for machine tools — Part 1: Geometric accuracy of machines operating under no-load or finishing conditions
95.99 | |
Test code for machine tools — Part 1: Geometric accuracy of machines operating under no-load or finishing conditions
95.99 | |
Test code for machine tools — Part 1: Geometric accuracy of machines operating under no-load or quasi-static conditions
90.93 | |
Acceptance code for machine tools — Part 2: Determination of accuracy and repeatability of positioning of numerically controlled machine tools
95.99 | |
Test code for machine tools — Part 2: Determination of accuracy and repeatability of positioning numerically controlled axes
95.99 | |
Test code for machine tools — Part 2: Determination of accuracy and repeatability of positioning numerically controlled axes — Technical Corrigendum 1
95.99 | |
Test code for machine tools — Part 2: Determination of accuracy and repeatability of positioning numerically controlled axes
95.99 | |
Test code for machine tools — Part 2: Determination of accuracy and repeatability of positioning of numerically controlled axes
90.93 | |
Test code for machine tools — Part 2: Determination of accuracy and repeatability of positioning of numerically controlled axes — Amendment 1
60.60 | |
Test code for machine tools — Part 3: Determination of thermal effects
95.99 | |
Test code for machine tools — Part 3: Determination of thermal effects
95.99 | |
Test code for machine tools — Part 3: Determination of thermal effects
60.60 | |
Test code for machine tools — Part 4: Circular tests for numerically controlled machine tools
95.99 | |
Test code for machine tools — Part 4: Circular tests for numerically controlled machine tools
95.99 | |
Test code for machine tools — Part 4: Circular tests for numerically controlled machine tools
60.60 | |
Test code for machine tools — Part 6: Determination of positioning accuracy on body and face diagonals (Diagonal displacement tests)
90.93 | |
Test code for machine tools — Part 7: Geometric accuracy of axes of rotation
95.99 | |
Test code for machine tools — Part 7: Geometric accuracy of axes of rotation
90.93 | |
Test code for machine tools — Part 8: Determination of vibration levels
95.99 | |
Test code for machine tools — Part 8: Vibrations
60.60 | |
Test code for machine tools — Part 9: Estimation of measurement uncertainty for machine tool tests according to series ISO 230, basic equations
90.93 | |
Test code for machine tools — Part 10: Determination of the measuring performance of probing systems of numerically controlled machine tools
95.99 | |
Test code for machine tools — Part 10: Determination of the measuring performance of probing systems of numerically controlled machine tools — Amendment 1: Measuring performance with scanning probes
95.99 | |
Test code for machine tools — Part 10: Determination of the measuring performance of probing systems of numerically controlled machine tools
95.99 | |
Test code for machine tools — Part 10: Determination of the measuring performance of probing systems of numerically controlled machine tools
60.60 | |
Test code for machine tools — Part 11: Measuring instruments suitable for machine tool geometry tests
60.60 | |
Test code for machine tools — Part 12: Accuracy of finished test pieces
60.60 | |
Test code for machine tools — Part 13: Guidelines on acceptance tests for machine tools used as coordinate measuring machines
20.00 |
Test conditions for milling machines with table of variable height, with horizontal or vertical spindle — Part 0: General introduction
95.99 | |
Test conditions for milling machines with table of variable height — Testing of the accuracy — Part 1: Machines with horizontal spindle
90.93 | |
Test conditions for milling machines with table of variable height — Testing of the accuracy — Part 2: Machines with horizontal spindle
95.99 | |
Test conditions for milling machines with table of variable height — Testing of accuracy — Part 2: Machines with vertical spindle
90.93 | |
Test conditions for milling machines with table of variable height — Testing of accuracy — Part 3: Machines with vertical spindle
95.99 | |
Test conditions for milling machines with table of variable height, with horizontal or vertical spindle — Testing of the accuracy
95.99 | |
Acceptance conditions for general purpose parallel lathes — Testing of the accuracy
95.99 | |
Acceptance conditions for general purpose parallel lathes — Testing of the accuracy
90.93 | |
Test conditions for milling machines with table of fixed height, with horizontal or vertical spindle — Part 0: General introduction
95.99 | |
Test conditions for manually controlled milling machines with table of fixed height - Testing of the accuracy — Part 1: Machines with horizontal spindle
90.93 | |
Test conditions for manually controlled milling machines with table of fixed height - Testing of the accuracy — Part 2: Machines with vertical spindle
90.93 | |
Acceptance conditions for milling machines with table of fixed height with horizontal or vertical spindle — Testing of accuracy
95.99 | |
Acceptance conditions for surface grinding machines with vertical grinding wheel spindle and reciprocating table — Testing of accuracy
95.99 | |
Machine tools — Test conditions for surface grinding machines with vertical grinding wheel spindle and reciprocating table — Testing of the accuracy
95.99 | |
Machine tools — Test conditions for surface grinding machines with vertical grinding wheel spindle and reciprocating table — Testing of the accuracy
90.93 | |
Test conditions for surface grinding machines with horizontal grinding wheel spindle and reciprocating table — Testing of the accuracy — Part 1: Machines with a table length of up to 1 600 mm
95.99 | |
Test conditions for surface grinding machines with horizontal grinding wheel spindle and reciprocating table — Testing of the accuracy — Part 1: Machines with table length of up to 1 600 mm
90.93 | |
Acceptance conditions for surface grinding machines with horizontal grinding wheel spindle and reciprocating table — Testing of accuracy
95.99 | |
Acceptance conditions for internal cylindrical grinding machines with horizontal spindle — Testing of accuracy
95.99 | |
Test conditions for internal cylindrical grinding machines with horizontal spindle — Testing of accuracy
95.99 | |
Test conditions for internal cylindrical grinding machines with horizontal spindle — Testing of accuracy — Amendment 1
95.99 | |
Test conditions for internal cylindrical grinding machines with horizontal spindle — Testing of accuracy
60.60 | |
Acceptance conditions for radial drilling machines with the arm adjustable in height — Testing of accuracy
90.93 | |
Acceptance conditions for external cylindrical grinding machines with a movable table — Testing of accuracy
95.99 | |
Machine tools — Test conditions for external cylindrical and universal grinding machines with a movable table — Testing of accuracy
90.93 | |
Test conditions for box type vertical drilling machines — Testing of the accuracy — Part 1: Geometrical tests
95.99 | |
Test conditions for box type vertical drilling machines — Testing of the accuracy — Part 2: Practical test
95.99 | |
Test conditions for box type vertical drilling machines — Testing of the accuracy
90.93 | |
Test conditions for pillar type vertical drilling machines — Testing of the accuracy — Part 1: Geometrical tests
95.99 | |
Test conditions for pillar type vertical drilling machines — Testing of the accuracy — Part 2: Practical test
95.99 | |
Test conditions for pillar type vertical drilling machines — Testing of accuracy
60.60 | |
Acceptance conditions for boring and milling machines with horizontal spindle — Testing of the accuracy — Part 0: General introduction
95.99 | |
Acceptance conditions for boring and milling machines with horizontal spindle — Testing of the accuracy — Part 1: Table-type machines
95.99 | |
Acceptance conditions for boring and milling machines with horizontal spindle — Testing of the accuracy — Part 1: Table-type machines — Addendum 1
95.99 | |
Machine tools — Test conditions for testing the accuracy of boring and milling machines with horizontal spindle — Part 1: Machines with fixed column and movable table
90.93 | |
Test conditions for boring and milling machines with horizontal spindle — Testing of the accuracy — Part 2: Table-type machines
95.99 | |
Machine tools — Test conditions for testing the accuracy of boring and milling machines with horizontal spindle — Part 2: Machines with movable column and fixed table
95.99 | |
Machine tools — Test conditions for testing the accuracy of boring and milling machines with horizontal spindle — Part 2: Machines with movable column along the X-axis (floor type)
90.93 | |
Acceptance conditions for boring and milling machines with horizontal spindle — Testing of the accuracy — Part 3: Planer type machines with movable column
95.99 | |
Test conditions for boring and milling machines with horizontal spindle — Testing of the accuracy — Part 3: Floor type machines with detached, stationary work-holding table
95.99 | |
Machine tools — Test conditions for testing the accuracy of boring and milling machines with horizontal spindle — Part 3: Machines with movable column and movable table
90.93 | |
Test conditions for boring and milling machines with horizontal spindle — Testing of the accuracy — Part 4: Planer type machines with movable column
95.99 | |
Test conditions for turret and single spindle co-ordinate drilling machines with vertical spindle — Testing of the accuracy
90.93 | |
Acceptance conditions for vertical turning and boring lathes with one or two columns and a single fixed or movable table — General introduction and testing of the accuracy
90.93 | |
Test conditions for high accuracy turret and single spindle coordinate drilling and boring machines with table of fixed height with vertical spindle — Testing of the accuracy — Part 1: Single column type machines
90.93 | |
Test conditions for high accuracy turret and single spindle coordinate drilling and boring machines with table of fixed height with vertical spindle — Testing of the accuracy — Part 2: Portal type machines with moving table
90.93 | |
Test conditions for turret and single spindle co-ordinate drilling and boring machines with table of fixed height with vertical spindle — High accuracy machines — Testing of the accuracy
95.99 | |
Acceptance conditions for external cylindrical centreless grinding machines — Testing of the accuracy
95.99 | |
Machine tools — Test conditions for external cylindrical centreless grinding machines — Testing of the accuracy
95.99 | |
Machine tools — Test conditions for external cylindrical centreless grinding machines — Testing of the accuracy
90.20 | |
Acceptance conditions for surface grinding machines with two columns — Machines for grinding slideways — Testing of accuracy
95.99 | |
Test conditions for surface grinding machines with two columns — Machines for grinding slideways — Testing of the accuracy
90.92 | |
Test conditions for surface grinding machines with two columns — Machines for grinding slideways — Testing of the accuracy
30.00 |
Acceptance conditions of mechanical dividing heads for machine tools — Testing of accuracy
90.93 | |
Acceptance conditions for horizontal spindle capstan, turret and single spindle automatic lathes — Testing of the accuracy — Part 1: Machinable bar diameters greater than 25 mm
95.99 | |
Acceptance conditions for horizontal spindle capstan, turret and single spindle automatic lathes — Testing of the accuracy — Part 2: Machinable bar diameters 25 mm or less and chuck diameter up to 160 mm
95.99 | |
Machine tools — Test conditions for horizontal spindle turret and single spindle automatic lathes — Testing of the accuracy
95.99 | |
Conditions of acceptance for horizontal internal broaching machines — Testing of the accuracy
95.99 | |
Test conditions for horizontal internal type broaching machines — Testing of accuracy
90.93 | |
Acceptance conditions for vertical surface type broaching machines — Testing of accuracy
95.99 | |
Test conditions for vertical surface type broaching machines — Testing of accuracy
90.93 | |
Acceptance conditions for gear hobbing machines — Testing of the accuracy
90.93 | |
Acceptance conditions for broaching machines of vertical internal type — Testing of accuracy
95.99 | |
Test conditions for vertical internal type broaching machines — Testing of accuracy
95.99 | |
Test conditions for vertical internal type broaching machines — Testing of accuracy
60.60 | |
Conditions of acceptance and installation for work-holding fixed tables of machine tools
95.99 | |
Acceptance conditions for plano-milling machines — Testing of the accuracy — Part 1: Portal-type machines
95.99 | |
Machine tools — Test conditions for bridge-type milling machines — Testing of the accuracy — Part 1: Fixed bridge (portal-type) machines
90.92 | |
Machine tools — Test conditions for bridge-type milling machines — Part 1: Testing of the accuracy of fixed bridge (portal-type) machines
40.20 | |
Machine tools — Conditions for testing the accuracy of bridge-type milling machines — Part 2: Travelling bridge (gantry-type) machines
95.99 | |
Machine tools — Test conditions for bridge-type milling machines — Testing of the accuracy — Part 2: Travelling bridge (gantry-type) machines
95.99 | |
Machine tools — Test conditions for bridge-type milling machines — Part 2: Testing of the accuracy of travelling bridge (gantry-type) machines
60.60 | |
Acceptance conditions for copying attachments, integral or otherwise, for lathes — Testing of the accuracy
90.93 | |
Test conditions for machining centres — Part 1: Geometric tests for machines with horizontal spindle and with accessory heads (horizontal Z-axis)
95.99 | |
Test conditions for machining centres — Part 1: Geometric tests for machines with horizontal spindle (horizontal Z-axis)
90.93 | |
Test conditions for machining centres — Part 2: Geometric tests for machines with vertical spindle or universal heads with vertical primary rotary axis (vertical Z-axis)
95.99 | |
Test conditions for machining centres — Part 2: Geometric tests for machines with vertical spindle (vertical Z-axis)
60.60 | |
Test conditions for machining centres — Part 3: Geometric tests for machines with integral indexable or continuous universal heads (vertical Z -axis)
90.93 | |
Test conditions for machining centres — Part 3: Geometric tests for machines with integral indexable or continuous universal heads (vertical Z -axis) — Technical Corrigendum 1
60.60 | |
Test conditions for machining centres — Part 4: Accuracy and repeatability of positioning of linear and rotary axes
90.93 | |
Test conditions for machining centres — Part 5: Accuracy and repeatability of positioning of work-holding pallets
90.93 | |
Test conditions for machining centres — Part 6: Accuracy of feeds, speeds and interpolations
95.99 | |
Test conditions for machining centres — Part 6: Accuracy of feeds, speeds and interpolations — Technical Corrigendum 1
95.99 | |
Test conditions for machining centres — Part 6: Accuracy of speeds and interpolations
90.93 | |
Test conditions for machining centres — Part 6: Accuracy of speeds and interpolations — Amendment 1: 8-shaped interpolation motion (Annex A/B/CK5) and S-shaped interpolationmotion(Annex E)
20.98 | |
Test conditions for machining centres — Part 7: Accuracy of a finished test piece
95.99 | |
Test conditions for machining centres — Part 7: Accuracy of finished test pieces
95.99 | |
Test conditions for machining centres — Part 7: Accuracy of finished test pieces
90.20 | |
Test conditions for machining centres — Part 8: Evaluation of contouring performance in the three coordinate planes
90.93 | |
Test conditions for machining centres — Part 9: Evaluation of the operating times of tool change and pallet change
90.93 | |
Test conditions for machining centres — Part 10: Evaluation of thermal distortions
95.99 | |
Test conditions for machining centres — Part 10: Evaluation of thermal distortions
60.60 | |
Machine tools — Test conditions for die sinking electro-discharge machines (EDM) — Terminology and testing of accuracy — Part 1: Single column machines (cross slide table type and fixed table type)
95.99 | |
Test conditions for die sinking electro-discharge machines (die sinking EDM) — Testing of the accuracy — Part 1: Single-column machines (cross-slide table type and fixed-table type)
90.93 | |
Machine tools — Test conditions for die sinking electro-discharge machines (EDM) — Terminology and testing of accuracy — Part 2: Two column machines (slide-head type and cross-slide table type)
95.99 | |
Test conditions for die sinking electro-discharge machines (die sinking EDM) — Testing of the accuracy — Part 2: Double-column machines (slide-head type)
90.93 | |
Test conditions for numerically controlled turning machines and turning centres — Part 1: Geometric tests for machines with a horizontal workholding spindle
95.99 | |
Test conditions for numerically controlled turning machines and turning centres — Part 1: Geometric tests for machines with horizontal workholding spindle(s)
90.20 | |
Test conditions for numerically controlled turning machines and turning centres — Part 2: Geometric tests for machines with a vertical workholding spindle
95.99 | |
Test conditions for numerically controlled turning machines and turning centres — Part 2: Geometric tests for machines with a vertical workholding spindle
90.20 | |
Test conditions for numerically controlled turning machines and turning centres — Part 3: Geometric tests for machines with inverted vertical workholding spindles
90.93 | |
Test conditions for numerically controlled turning machines and turning centres — Part 4: Accuracy and repeatability of positioning of linear and rotary axes
90.93 | |
Test conditions for numerically controlled turning machines and turning centres — Part 5: Accuracy of feeds, speeds and interpolations
95.99 | |
Test conditions for numerically controlled turning machines and turning centres — Part 5: Accuracy of speeds and interpolations
90.93 | |
Test conditions for numerically controlled turning machines and turning centres — Part 6: Accuracy of a finished test piece
95.99 | |
Test conditions for numerically controlled turning machines and turning centres — Part 6: Accuracy of a finished test piece
90.93 | |
Test conditions for numerically controlled turning machines and turning centres — Part 7: Evaluation of contouring performance in the coordinate planes
90.93 | |
Test conditions for numerically controlled turning machines and turning centres — Part 8: Evaluation of thermal distortions
90.93 | |
Machine tools — Test conditions for wire electrical-discharge machines (wire EDM) — Terminology and testing of the accuracy
95.99 | |
Test conditions for wire electrical-discharge machines (wire EDM) — Testing of the accuracy
90.93 | |
Machine tools — Numerical compensation of geometric errors
60.60 | |
Machine tool spindles — Evaluation of machine tool spindle vibrations by measurements on spindle housing — Part 1: Spindles with rolling element bearings and integral drives operating at speeds between 600 min-1 and 30 000 min-1
60.60 | |
Machine tool spindles — Evaluation of spindle vibrations by measurements on non-rotating parts — Part 2: Direct-driven spindles and belt-driven spindles with rolling element bearings operating at speeds between 600 r/min and 30 000 r/min
60.60 | |
Machine tool spindles — Evaluation of machine tool spindle vibrations by measurements on spindle housing — Part 3: Gear-driven spindles with rolling bearings operating at speeds between 600 r/min and 12 000 r/min
60.60 | |
Machine tools — Test conditions for universal spindle heads — Part 1: Accessory heads for machines with horizontal spindle (horizontal Z-axis)
90.20 | |
Test conditions for numerically controlled broaching machines — Testing of accuracy — Vertical surface type broaching machines
90.20 | |
Machine tools — Short-term capability evaluation of machining processes on metal-cutting machine tools
95.99 | |
Machine tools — Short-term capability evaluation of machining processes on metal-cutting machine tools
60.60 |
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