Фильтр :
Стандарт и/или проект находящийся в компетенции ISO/TC 8/SC 13 Секретариата | Этап | ICS |
Ships and marine technology — Technical guidelines for active source exploration with ocean bottom seismometers (OBS)
60.60 | |
Ships and marine technology — Submersibles — Vocabulary
60.60 | |
Marine technology — Seawater desalination — Vocabulary
60.60 | |
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles — Risk and Reliability
40.00 | |
Submersibles — Hydrostatic pressure test — Pressure hull and buoyancy materials
90.60 | |
Requirements of blue carbon (BC) increment of tidal wetlands
20.00 |
Submersibles —Toolings —Technology requirements
40.00 | |
Manned submersibles-Manoeuvring test
40.00 | |
Marine technology — Ocean observation systems — Design criteria of ocean hydro-meteorological observation systems reuse and interaction
60.60 | |
Marine environment sensor performance — Specifications, testing and reporting — General requirements
60.60 | |
Manned submersibles — Breathing air supply and CO2 adsorption systems — Performance requirements and recommendations
90.20 | |
Marine environmental impact assessment (MEIA) — Technical specifications for marine biotic surveys in the international seabed area — General principles
60.60 | |
Marine technology — General technical requirement of marine conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) measuring instrument
60.60 | |
Marine environment impact assessment (MEIA) — Specification for marine sediments in seabed areas — Survey of interstitial biota
60.60 | |
Marine technology — Product water quality of seawater reverse osmosis (RO) desalination — Guidelines for municipal water supply
60.60 | |
Marine technology — Marine environment impact assessment (MEIA) — General technical requirements
60.60 | |
Marine technology — Marine environment impact assessment (MEIA) — Performance specification for in situ image-based surveys in deep seafloor environments
60.60 | |
Marine technology — Marine environment impact assessment (MEIA) — General protocol for observation of meiofaunal community
60.60 | |
Marine technology — Marine environment impact assessment (MEIA) — On-board bioassay to monitor seawater quality using delayed fluorescence of microalga
60.60 | |
Ships and marine technology — General specification for shipborne meteorological instruments
60.60 | |
Competence Standards for Manned Submersible Crew and Key Personnel
20.00 |
Standard test method for performance of reverse osmosis (RO) and nanofiltration (NF) membrane element
20.00 |
Ships and marine technology — Technical guidelines for seafloor mapping with marine unmanned vehicle
20.00 |
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