Urban living

Traffic jams, pollution, derelict areas, these are problems that many cities face. 

What does a “smart” city look like? To find out, read this issue which looks at some of the smart city trends, the challenges, and how standards provide the platform from which smart cities can grow.

Сентябрь/Октябрь 2015

Urban living

What does a “smart” city look like? To find out, read this issue which looks at some of the smart city trends and challenges.

Полезная информация

Introducing Jamaica’s newest export

Her story has the makings of a Hollywood hit – triumph over adversity. Now, the ISO/DIN essay winner Ester Williams opens up about her hardship-filled childhood, the pride of buying the family home, the role hard work has played in her career – and the standards campaign she’s championing.

Her essay and video on the theme of “Sustainable energy future”, according to Dr. Torsten Bahke, Director of DIN, captured the urgency of our current situation as well as eloquently describing the situation in Jamaica and how standards truly can have a positive impact.

For me, to buy our family home was the best present.

 Ester Williams

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Публикуемый на английском, французском и испанском языках 6 раз в год, ISOfocus является Вашим проводником в мире международных стандартов. Независимо от того, сталкиваются ли многонациональные предприятия с принятием жизненно важных решений или же это небольшой бизнес, находящийся в поиске идей, составители ISOfocus стараются рассмотреть потребности стратегического планирования и отразить все существенные детали.

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Elizabeth Gasiorowski-Denis
Editor-in-Chief of ISOfocus