Членство: Орган, являющийся членом
The New Zealand Standards Organisation (NZSO) is made up of the New Zealand Standards Approval Board (the Board) and the New Zealand Standards Executive.

NZSO is the country's leading developer of standards and standards based solutions. It project manages the development of standards, edits and publishes standards, and provides access to New Zealand, joint Australia-New Zealand, and international standards. New Zealand Standards are approved by the Board which is also responsible for approving the membership of standards development committees.

NZSO uses a robust and internationally recognised process that relies on expert committee consensus and widespread consultation with affected parties, including public input. The majority of its standards are developed in partnership with Standards Australia.

As New Zealand's representative of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), NZSO ensures that New Zealand is strongly connected with the international standards community.

New Zealand Standards Organisation

Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)
15 Stout Street
Wellington 6011
New Zealand

Тел.: +64 4 498 59 90
Факс: +64 4 498 59 94
E-mail: isoadmin@standards.govt.nz

Участие ТК

Полноправный член

Участие PDC

Полноправный член