International Commission on Illumination
CIE Central Bureau
Babenbergerstraße 9/9A
A-1010 Vienna
Тел.: +43 1 714 31 870 / +43 1 714 318 70
Факс: +43 1 714 31 87 18
Рабочие связи
- Общее число рабочих связей: 31
- Рабочие связи категории А: 31
- Рабочие связи категории B: 0
- Рабочие связи категории C: 0
Ссылка | Заголовок | Тип |
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 28 | Office equipment | A |
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 | Coding of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia information | A |
ISO/TC 6 | Paper, board and pulps | A |
ISO/TC 6/SC 2 | Test methods and quality specifications for paper and board | A |
ISO/TC 12 | Quantities and units | A |
ISO/TC 20/SC 1 | Aerospace electrical requirements | A |
ISO/TC 22/SC 35 | Lighting and visibility | A |
ISO/TC 35/SC 9 | General test methods for paints and varnishes | A |
ISO/TC 36 | Cinematography | A |
ISO/TC 38/SC 1 | Tests for coloured textiles and colorants | A |
ISO/TC 42 | Photography | A |
ISO/TC 61/SC 6 | Ageing, chemical and environmental resistance | A |
ISO/TC 92/SC 1 | Fire initiation and growth | A |
ISO/TC 94 | Personal safety -- Personal protective equipment | A |
ISO/TC 106/SC 6 | Dental equipment | A |
ISO/TC 130 | Graphic technology | A |
ISO/TC 142 | Cleaning equipment for air and other gases | A |
ISO/TC 145 | Graphical symbols | A |
ISO/TC 145/SC 1 | Public information symbols, signs and guidance system | A |
ISO/TC 159/SC 4 | Ergonomics of human-system interaction | A |
ISO/TC 159/SC 5 | Ergonomics of the physical environment | A |
ISO/TC 163 | Thermal performance and energy use in the built environment | A |
ISO/TC 163/SC 2 | Calculation methods | A |
ISO/TC 172 | Optics and photonics | A |
ISO/TC 180/SC 1 | Climate - Measurement and data | A |
ISO/TC 205 | Building environment design | A |
ISO/TC 217 | Cosmetics | A |
ISO/TC 256 | Pigments, dyestuffs and extenders | A |
ISO/TC 261 | Additive manufacturing | A |
ISO/TC 274 | Light and lighting | A |
ISO/TC 314 | Ageing societies | A |
Liaisons A: Organizations that make an effective contribution to the work of the technical committee or subcommittee for questions dealt with by this technical committee or subcommittee.
Liaisons B: Organizations that have indicated a wish to be kept informed of the work of the technical committee or subcommittee.
Liaisons C: Organizations that make a technical contribution to and participate actively in the work of a working group.