Международный стандарт
ISO/DIS 13571-3
Life-threatening components of fire — Part 3: Guidelines for the estimation of time to compromised tenability and escape capability from exposure to smoke toxicants, Method B
Ссылочный номер
ISO/DIS 13571-3
Версия 1
Проект Международный стандарт
ISO/DIS 13571-3
Проект данного международного стандарта находится на этапе рассмотрения членами ИСО.


This standard provides guidance for fire safety engineering that is applicable for fires in enclosed spaces. It is intended to be used in conjunction with models for analysis of the initiation and development of fire, fire spread, impact of heat, radiation, and limited visibility, smoke formation and movement, chemical species generation, transport and decay, and people movement, as well as fire detection and suppression.

Общая информация

  •  : В стадии разработки
    : Регистрация проекта международного стандарта (DIS) [40.00]
  •  : 1
  • ISO/TC 92/SC 3
  • RSS обновления

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