This document specifies a test method for the determination of the air purification performance, with regards to removal of nitric oxide, of materials that contain a photocatalyst or have photocatalytic films on the surface, usually made from semiconducting metal oxides such as titanium dioxide or other ceramic materials, by continuous exposure of a test piece to the model air pollutant under illumination from indoor light.
This document is intended for use with different kinds of materials, such as construction materials in flat sheet, board or plate shape, which are the basic forms of materials for various applications. This document also applies to materials in honeycomb form and to plastic or paper materials containing ceramic microcrystals and composites. This document does not apply to certain test pieces that contain a large amount of adsorbent, due to unattained adsorption equilibrium. This document does not apply to powder or granular photocatalytic materials.
This test method is usually applicable to photocatalytic materials produced for air purification. This method is not suitable for the determination of other performance attributes of photocatalytic materials, i.e. decomposition of water contaminants, self-cleaning, antifogging and antibacterial actions.
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Текущий статус: В стадии разработки
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Этап: Начало голосования по проекту между-народно-го стандарта: 3 мес. [40.20] -
Версия: 2
Технический комитет :ISO/TC 206ICS :81.060.30
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