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Norma o proyecto bajo la responsabilidad directa de ISO/TC 106/SC 9 Secretaría | Etapa | ICS |
Dentistry — Accuracy of CAD/CAM additive manufactured dental products — Part 1: Polymeric materials with vat photopolymerization technology
20.00 |
Dentistry — Polymer-based composite machinable blanks
60.60 | |
Dentistry — Digitizing devices for CAD/CAM systems for indirect dental restorations — Test methods for assessing accuracy
95.99 | |
Dentistry — Digitizing devices for CAD/CAM systems for indirect dental restorations — Test methods for assessing accuracy
90.93 | |
Dentistry — Interoperability of CAD/CAM systems
95.99 | |
Dentistry — Interoperability of CAD/CAM systems
90.92 | |
Dentistry — Interoperability of CAD/CAM systems
50.00 | |
Dentistry — Machinable ceramic blanks
60.60 | |
Dentistry — Vocabulary of process chain for CAD/CAM systems
90.92 | |
Dentistry — Vocabulary of process chain for CAD/CAM systems
40.00 | |
Dentistry — Test methods for machining accuracy of computer-aided milling machines
95.99 | |
Dentistry — Machinable metallic blanks
20.00 |
Dentistry — Digital impression devices — Part 1: Methods for assessing accuracy
90.92 | |
Dentistry — Digital impression devices — Part 1: Methods for assessing accuracy
20.00 |
Dentistry — Digital impression devices — Part 2: Methods for assessing accuracy for implanted devices
60.60 | |
Dentistry — Vocabulary of process chain from dental CT to CAD/CAM for implant prosthetic restorations — Backward planning in the digital process chain
60.60 | |
Dentistry — Test methods for machining accuracy of computer-aided milling machines
60.60 |
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