Straightforward technical solutions for complex human problems.

2023 was “business as usual” – offering solutions to the planet’s most pressing challenges, delivering an ambitious ten-year strategy, and bringing every one of our members on that journey.

Find out how we achieved that as we look at the highlights of a year that focused on collaboration, community and climate action.

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ISO in figures

We continued to grow as an organization, welcoming new members and employees. These are just some of the numbers that tell our story. You can also get further insights or download detailed info.

We are proud to count

ISO members

In 2022 we published

new standards

The ISO Storenow contains more than

International Standards and related documents

We were joined by

new employees at our Central Secretariat in Geneva


Discover some of the main ways that we evolved our organization and put standards on the frontline of global challenges.


ISO participates in the WEF Annual Meeting 2023, where it emphasizes collaboration and inclusion to strengthen multilateral processes. International Standards were discussed as solutions to address global challenges in various sessions.

The Online Standards Development (OSD) platform has now been used in over 100 ISO projects to streamline and simplify the work of their technical experts.

OSD in brief

With online standards development, we are creating an online environment for standards developers in which they can work efficiently and collaboratively. The OSD platform helps lay the foundation for new value-added products and offers standards developers a cloud-based solution for working with multiple contributors across different locations.


The World Standards Cooperation (WSC) brought together representatives of IEC, ITU and ISO to explore options for integrating human rights in standards. In a keynote address, Volker Türk, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, spoke about the impact of digital standards in preserving human rights.

ISO participates in high-level bilateral meetings at the Munich Security Conference (MSC). International Standards are advocated as key for effective cybersecurity management. Discover the new version of ISO/IEC 27001.


UN Women and ISO are partnering to promote a more gender-inclusive world. The UN-based organization is working alongside ISO to develop guidelines for the promotion and implementation of gender equality.


ISO engages in high-level meetings with representatives of the World Economic Forum (WEF) to showcase how International Standards are actionable solutions for critical global challenges. The WEF has expressed interest in collaborating with ISO and its members on various initiatives, including sustainability, plastic pollution, and the circular economy.


ISO participates in the second round of negotiations of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) on Plastic Pollution with the goal to stop plastic pollution worldwide by 2030. ISO standards for plastics are already referenced in other similar international agreements.

We bring the power of standards to the G7 Clean Energy Economy Action Plan. The Plan commits G7 members to uphold environmental standards and to work with ISO to develop International Standards for critical minerals markets.


ISO addresses the 13th World Chambers Congress in Geneva, where standards are highlighted as solutions for pressing business challenges. How ISO standards help meet the UN SDGs was a key subject of discussion.

The ISO digital learning platform continues to serve as a knowledge hub for ISO members staff and their national stakeholders. Three additional courses on standardization and business are added to the fully digital learning environment.


ISO confirms its partnership with the Impact management platform.

The Climate action toolkit for ISO members is published. The toolkit, containing key messages and case studies, empowers ISO members in creating effective climate action advocacy plans.


For the first time, ISO compiles at an international level a standardization roadmap for the agrifood sector. The work results from the ISO Strategic Advisory Group on smart farming.


The ISO Annual Meeting takes place in Brisbane, Australia. Top leaders from standards, business, civil society, academia and media gather to discuss today’s most pressing challenges and how International Standard can help meet global needs.

ISO and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) sign a landmark Statement of Intent, signaling their commitment to the role of International Standards in addressing global development challenges.


The ISO community, together with our partners the IEC and ITU, celebrate World Standards Day and a shared vision for a better world.


“Zero Defect and Zero Effect” is the key message at the G20 India Standards Dialogue 2023, where ISO participates as part of the WSC.

For the first time, ISO takes part in Agritechnica 2023 – the world’s leading agricultural trade fair – in Hanover, Germany with ISO member for the country (DIN). Standards-based smart farming is key to a more resilient and sustainable future.

The IEC/ISO SMART collaboration framework hosts a workshop to share and review the challenges, achievements and learnings from SMART pilots, including scalability criteria and next steps.

Data-driven agrifood systems

What is SMART?

One of our key areas of work, this joint programme by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and ISO will drive the digital evolution of International Standards to address the needs of citizens, societies and economies. Find out more about how SMART is unleashing the digital power of International Standards.


ISO engages world change makers to showcase how International Standards help transform climate commitments into action at COP28, the United Nations climate meeting in Dubai. ISO/TS 19870 on hydrogen technologies is launched by ISO President Ulrika Francke during a COP28 Presidency ministerial roundtable.

ISO and IFRS confirm their shared commitment to cooperate towards efficient and resilient global economies. Both organizations recognize that working together is in the interest of the public.


Here are the main figures, with the previous year given for reference.

Financial performance (kCHF)

Operating revenue 2023 2022
Membership fees 21 359 21 076
Royalties received from members selling ISO standards 14 949 13 595
Revenue from members 36 308 34 671
Revenue – net sales 6 620 6 814
Funded activities    
Funds to support Capacity Building activities 2 620 1 449
Funds to support ISO Strategy 1 800 454
Funded activities - revenue 4 420 1 903
Total revenue 47 348 43 388
Operating expenditure 2023 2022
Operations 42 310 39 086
Funded activities    
Capacity Building activities 2 620 1 449
Implementation of ISO Strategy 1 800 454
Funded activities - expenditure 4 420 1 903
Total expenditure 46 730 40 989
Operating result 618 2 399
Financial gain/-loss 1 021 -2 740
Net result before allocation to/dissolution of funds 1 639 -341

Balance sheets as of 31 December (kCHF)


Current 2023 2022
Cash and cash equivalents 15 134 22 355
Receivables, prepaid expenses and accrued income 4 175 4 100
Total 19 309 26 455
Non-current 2023 2022
Securities and investments 19 926 16 433
Rent guarantee for ISO Central Secretariat premises 2 171 2 168
Fixed assets 221 265
Total 22 318 18 866

→ 2023 total assets: 41 627 kCHF


Current 2023 2022
Suppliers and accrued liabilities 3 755 3 632
Members’ retrocessions 4 128 5 280
Revenue received in advance 837 2 262
Total 8 720 11 174
Funds 2023 2022
Restricted funds 9 007 11 886
Unrestricted funds 22 261 22 602
Net result before allocation to/dissolution of funds 1 639 -341
Total 32 907 34 147

→ 2023 total liabilities: 41 627 kCHF

Summary of cash flow statements (kCHF)

Net cash 2023 2022
Net cash from operating activities -2 869 404
Net cash from capacity building projects -1 079 2
Net cash used in investing activities -3 273 -585
Net cash and cash equivalents -7 221 -179
Control 2023 2022
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 22 355 22 534
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 15 134 22 355
Difference -7 221 -179

Principal officers

These principal officers were the people navigating ISO towards its strategic goals in 2023. You can also discover the current principle officers by reading their detailed bios.

Ulrika Francke
Ulrika Francke
ISO President /2023


Person 03
Sergio Mujica
ISO Secretary-General

ISO Central Secretariat

Osvaldo Petroni
Osvaldo Petroni
ISO Vice-President (finance) /2024


Christoph Winterhalter
Christoph Winterhalter
ISO Vice-President (policy) /2023


Jean-François de Saussure
Jean-François de Saussure
ISO Treasurer / 2024


Javier García
Javier García
ISO Vice-President elect (technical management) /2024


End of term of office is displayed after the role. Past principal officers of ISO is available as a PDF.