Norme internationale
ISO/DIS 24495-3
Langage clair et simple — Partie 3: Rédaction scientifique
Numéro de référence
ISO/DIS 24495-3
Edition 1
Projet Norme internationale
ISO/DIS 24495-3
Projet de Norme internationale au stade enquête auprès des membres de l’ISO.


This [proposed] standard is for anybody who creates or helps create scientific documents intended for diverse audiences. It builds, and relies, on the foundation for plain language in ISO/DIS 24495-1, Plain Language — Part 1: Governing Principles and Guidelines. It does not repeat the guidance in Part 1. Rather, it adds guidance and techniques to help authors make sure that readers or users of scientific information can understand and make use of what they read. It applies only to printed or digital information that is primarily in the form of text. It does not include existing technical guidance about accessibility and digital documents, although its guidance can apply to both.

Informations générales

  •  : Projet
    : DIS enregistré [40.00]
  •  : 1
  • ISO/TC 37
  • RSS mises à jour

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