Standards by ISO/TC 113/SC 5
Instruments, equipment and data management
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Standard and/or project under the direct responsibility of ISO/TC 113/SC 5 Secretariat(0) | Stage | ICS |
Liquid flow measurement in open channels — Velocity-area methods — Collection and processing of data for determination of errors in measurement
95.99 | |
Hydrometry — Velocity-area methods using current-meters — Collection and processing of data for determination of uncertainties in flow measurement
90.20 | |
Liquid flow measurement in open channels — Rotating element current-meters
95.99 | |
Hydrometry — Rotating-element current-meters
90.93 | |
Liquid flow measurement in open channels — Direct depth sounding and suspension equipment
95.99 | |
Hydrometry — Direct depth sounding and suspension equipment
90.93 | |
Liquid flow measurement in open channels — Calibration of rotating-element current-meters in straight open tanks
95.99 | |
Hydrometry — Calibration of current-meters in straight open tanks
95.99 | |
Hydrometry — Calibration of current-meters in straight open tanks
60.60 | |
Echo sounders for water depth measurements
95.99 | |
Hydrometry — Echo sounders for water depth measurements
90.93 | |
Measurement of liquid flow in open channels — Water level measuring devices
95.99 | |
Measurement of liquid flow in open channels — Water-level measuring devices
95.99 | |
Hydrometry — Water level measuring devices
95.99 | |
Hydrometry — Water level measuring devices
60.60 | |
Measurement of liquid flow in open channels — Cableway system for stream gauging
95.99 | |
Hydrometric determinations — Cableway systems for stream gauging
95.99 | |
Hydrometry — Cableway systems for stream gauging
90.93 | |
Liquid flow measurement in open channels — Ultrasonic (acoustic) velocity meters
95.99 | |
Hydrometric data transmission systems — Part 1: General
95.99 | |
Hydrometric telemetry systems — Part 2: Specification of system requirements
95.99 | |
Liquid flow measurement in open channels — Position fixing equipment for hydrometric boats
95.99 | |
Hydrometry — Position fixing equipment for hydrometric boats
90.93 | |
Measurement of free surface flow in closed conduits — Part 2: Equipment
95.99 | |
Measurement of liquid flow in open channels — Equipment for the measurement of discharge under ice conditions
60.60 | |
Measurement of liquid flow in open channels — Method of specifying performance of hydrometric equipment
90.93 | |
Measurement of liquid flow in open channels — Electromagnetic current meters
95.99 | |
Hydrometry — Catching-type liquid precipitation measuring gauges
60.60 | |
Hydrometry — Measuring river velocity and discharge with acoustic Doppler profilers
95.99 | |
Hydrometry — Hydrometric data transmission systems — Specification of system requirements
90.93 | |
Hydrometry — Hydrometric data transmission systems — Specification of system requirements
95.99 |
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