Getting goods and people to the right place at the right time is a key ingredient for business success and well-functioning societies. Standards ensure reliable quality, safety and customer satisfaction with mobility and delivery solutions, vehicles, and infrastructure.


The greenhouse effect: Counting gases and why it matters

It’s easy to have mixed feelings about carbon. On the one hand, it’s the foundation for life on Earth. On the other, it’s linked to climate change.

The circular economy: building trust through conformity assessment
Standards and conformity assessment provide assurance on aspects of the circular economy including product lifetime and recyclability, safety and efficiency.

By Rick Gould on

Towards a net-zero logistics sector

Moving cargo around the world is a carbon-intensive business, and new guidance launched at Davos will go a long way to getting freight back on track.

Top standards

ISO 16232:2018
Road vehicles
Cleanliness of components and systems
ISO 34503:2023
Road Vehicles
Test scenarios for automated driving systems

Specification for operational design domain

ISO 22163:2023
Railway applications
Railway quality management system

ISO 9001:2015 and specific requirements for application in the railway sector

ISO 10605:2023
Road vehicles
Test methods for electrical disturbances from electrostatic discharge
ISO 21448:2022
Road vehicles
Safety of the intended functionality
ISO/SAE 21434:2021
Road vehicles
Cybersecurity engineering