Suomen Standardisoimisliitto, SFS, was founded in 1924 as a private association. According to its statutes, the SFS acts as the central organization of the national standards writing bodies, the total number of which now stands at 9.
The Finnish Electrotechnical Standards Association (SESKO), one of the abovementioned bodies, acts as the national committee of the IEC in Finland. Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom) represents Finland in ITU.
The primary functions of SFS are:
- to coordinate national standardization;
- to confirm and publish the national SFS standards;
- to promote the implementation of standard
- to act as the Finnish representative in the international standards organizations;
- to keep contact with foreign national standards organizations.
SFS Finnish Standards
SFS Finnish Standards
P.O. Box 130
FI-00101 Helsinki
Tel.: +358 9 149 9331
Fax: +358 9 146 4925
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