ISO 16670:2003 is intended to provide a cyclic test method as a basis for the derivation of parameters which are required in seismic design of timber structures. The method includes procedures to develop the envelope curves (backbone or skeleton curves, an example is given in Clause A.5.) for joints subjected to a cyclic displacement schedule which produces representative demands imposed on the joints by earthquakes. It does not include criteria for parameters which are, at times, stipulated in national standards or building codes.
ISO 16670:2003 is intended for joints subjected to lateral load and is not applicable to joints subjected to withdrawal forces.
ISO 16670:2003 is applicable to joints made with mechanical fasteners used in timber structures loaded under seismic action.
Informaciones generales
Estado: PublicadoFecha de publicación: 2003-12Etapa: Cierre de la revisión [90.60]
Edición: 1Número de páginas: 9
Comité Técnico :ISO/TC 165ICS :91.080.20
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