Sigle Nom
B4NZ B4NZ Limited
BACAC Biosafety Association for Central Asia and the Caucasus
BBMRI-ERIC Biobanking and BioMolecular resources Research Infrastructure
BCI Blockchain & Climate Institute
BCI SADC Chapter Business Continuity Institute SADC Chapter
BDA Blu-ray Disc Association
BDVA Big Data Value AISBL
BGIN Blockchain Governance Initiative Network
BIAP Bureau international d'audiophonologie
BIBM Bureau international du béton manufacturé
BIC Bureau international des containers et du transport intermodal
Bigpicture Bigpicture
BIMCO Baltic & International Maritime Council
BioRADAR Monitoring system of the environmental and social sustainability and circularity of industrial bio-based systems
BioSPRINT Horizon project BioSPRINT
BIPM Bureau international des poids et mesures
BIS/BRI Banque des règlements internationaux
BISFA Bureau international pour la standardisation des fibres artificielles
BITOM Bureau international d'information pour les toiles métalliques
BSA Business Software Alliance (BSA)
Business Semantics Business Semantics Ltd