Sigle Nom
W3C World Wide Web Consortium
WAAWG Western Australian Automation Working Group
WADA World Anti-Doping Agency
WANO World Association of Nuclear Operators
WAP World Animal Protection
WAPOR Association mondiale de recherches sur l'opinion publique (WAPOR)
WASLI World Association of Sign Language Interpreters
WASPaLM World Association of Societies of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
WBCSD World Business Council for Sustainable Development
WBU Union mondiale des aveugles
WCA World Coal Association
WCF World Cocoa Foundation
WCFO World Cocoa Farmers Organization
WCO Organisation mondiale des douanes
WDO World Design Organization
Web3D Web3D Consortium
WEC Conseil mondial de l'énergie
WEF World Economic Forum
WFAS World Federation of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Societies
WFCMS World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies
WFEO World Federation of Engineering Organizations
WFHSS World Federation for Hospital Sterilisation Sciences
WFN Stichting Water Footprint Network
WFO World Foundrymen Organization
WFP World Food Programme
WFPMA World Federation of People Management Associations
WFSA Fédération mondiale des sociétés d'anesthésiologistes
WFSGI Fédération mondiale de l'industrie d'articles de sports
WFTGA World Federation of Tourist Guides Associations
WGIC World Geospatial Industry Council
WHO Organisation mondiale de la santé
WHO-ECEH WHO European Centre for Environment and Health
Wi-Fi Alliance Wi-Fi Alliance
WIN Worldwide independent network
WIPO Organisation mondiale de la propriété intellectuelle
WITDOM empoWering prIvacy and securiTy in non-trusteD envirOnMents
WLPGA World LPG Association
WMBC We Mean Business Coalition, Inc
WMO Organisation météorologique mondiale
WNA World Nuclear Association
WNTI World Nuclear Transport Institute
WOAH Organisation mondiale de la santé animale
WOC World Ocean Council
WONCA World Organization of Family Doctors
World Shipping Council World Shipping Council
World Steel Association Institut international du fer et de l'acier
WorldCC World Commerce & Contracting
WPO Organisation mondiale de l'emballage
WRA World Refractories Association
WRAP The Waste & Resources Action Programme
WRI World Resources Institute
WRI - PACE World Resources Institute Europe Stichting
WRSTC World Recreational Scuba Training Council
WS World Sailing (WS)
WSI World Stewardship Institute
WTCF World Tourism Cities Federation
WTO Organisation mondiale du commerce
WWF Fonds mondial pour la nature