Technical Specification
ISO/DTS 9166
Health informatics — Guidelines for self-assessment questionnaire systems
Reference number
ISO/DTS 9166
Edition 1
Draft Technical Specification
ISO/DTS 9166
This draft is in the approval phase.


This document describes a guideline for the self-assessment questionnaire systems to be used for health. This document includes the following: - structure and components of the self-assessment questionnaire systems; - guidelines of administering and managing the self-assessment questionnaire systems; - basic data elements for interacting with the self-assessment questionnaire systems. Annexes describe various use cases on how the self-assessment questionnaire systems can be used as well as provide examples of HL7 FHIR Questionnaire, QuestionnaireResponse, and their relevant resources to represent data from self-assessment questionnaire systems. This document does not define the self-assessment questionnaire used in healthcare domains or departments. The questionnaires are out of scope of this document, since it is dependent on the intended purpose of the self-assessment questionnaire systems.

General information

  •  : Under development
    : Proof sent to secretariat or FDIS ballot initiated: 8 weeks [50.20]
  •  : 1
     : 47
  • ISO/TC 215
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