With healthcare standards, you can benefit from global best practices, improving patient outcomes and operational efficiency across clinics, hospitals, and home care.


The fundamentals of telemedicine equipment

As a healthcare provider embarking on the telehealth journey, don’t be daunted by the bewildering array of telehealth devices available. Instead, let’s examine how investing in these essential tools can help optimize your telehealth services.

Electronic health records explained

Electronic health records can revolutionize healthcare for both patients and providers. By promoting collaboration between health professionals, they foster a patient-centred approach to healthcare delivery.

An easy guide to understanding healthcare data analytics

In this brave new world, virtually every person generates data. Like many industries, the healthcare sector is increasingly moving towards data as the foundation of its decision making.

Top standards

ISO 11607-2:2019/Amd 1:2023
Packaging for terminally sterilized medical devices
Part 2: Validation requirements for forming, sealing and assembly processes

Amendment 1: Application of risk management

ISO 15189:2022
Medical laboratories
Requirements for quality and competence
ISO 17664-1:2021
Processing of health care products
Information to be provided by the medical device manufacturer for the processing of medical devices

Part 1: Critical and semi-critical medical devices