Under publication
ISO 17828
Solid biofuels — Determination of bulk density
Reference number
ISO 17828
Edition 2
Under publication
ISO 17828
Under publication (Edition 2, 2025)
Final production steps (up to seven weeks).
Will replace ISO 17828:2015


This revised International Standard describes a method for determining bulk density of solid biofuels with the use of a standardized measuring container. This method is applicable to all pourable solid biofuels with a nominal top size of maximum 63 mm. while the maximum particle length is 200 mm. For fuels with a nominal top size larger than 63 mm, a different method is described. Note: The scope has been changed from the previous version

General information

  •  : Under development
     : 2025-03
    : International Standard under publication [60.00]
  •  : 2
  • ISO/TC 238
    27.190  75.160.40 
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